Wealth Management

Trust Services

Personalized trust services to provide expert guidance, ensuring your wealth is managed with care and aligned with your wishes.

Trust Services

Our Wealth Management team can assist with all aspects of your financial life, including the creation of a trust and any situation where a professional fiduciary is needed. Our experienced Bucks County trust services professionals will guide you through the trust creation process to ensure your assets are managed according to your wishes, both now and in the future. Serving individuals and families throughout Bucks County, our Wealth Management team is dedicated to delivering peace of mind and financial security through tailored trust solutions. Partner with us for personalized service and an approach to Wealth Management that puts your needs and interests first.

Call us at 215.968.4872 or contact a member of our wealth management team to discuss your needs.

Professional Fiduciary in Bucks County

When your financial situation calls for a professional fiduciary, the Wealth Management Group stands ready to serve. Our community bank’s mission and continued local independent ownership assure the individual attention and continuity of service you deserve.

Please note that trust relationships, due to their complex and individualized nature, require a minimum of $500,000.00 in investable assets. Call 215.968.4872 and talk with someone you can trust today.

fi·du·ci·ar·y n. from the Latin fiducia, meaning “trust”; a person who has the power and obligation to act for another under circumstances which require total trust, good faith and honesty.

This product is not FDIC insured, nor bank guaranteed and may lose value.